Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Oh well....

....what can you do?

Life just keeps on going doesn't it? Whether you are handling it fine, want to crawl into a hole and pull the hole in after you or if it feels like running, screaming down the street in your underwear would be a good plan. (At least with the last option they would take you somewhere with low demands on your time and mental functioning.)

Sometimes I want to put everything but me on pause for a few minutes to several hours (or days) and get my bearings. I would like to know when everything became such an emergency!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

First Post ~ Nov. 28, 2004

Visiting Italy earlier this month was an amazing experience. I visited a cemetery in Bologna that was absolutely amazing. The thing was a museum! Statues.....gorgeous statues....were everywhere. There is nothing like it here.

Italy was also an adventure in personal growth...but more on that at another time.

Right now I am sitting in my cool San Diego home-office and LOVING that it is not snowing or frigid outside and that I am blessed with technology and time to explore doing what I love!

That is all for now....

"Mr. Deity and the Help Meet" - My Favorite

Roadents: Episode 3 - "The Beef Barn"