I gave five haircuts today. I feel like I accomplished a lot. Kind of silly...but I do.
Everyone under fifteen is in bed at the moment. (Besides the furballs). Donald and Daisy (Welsh Pembroke Corgis) are real cuties. Unfortunately Daisy is in heat at the moment and Donald is starting to figure out what he is "supposed" to do. So we have to keep them apart which makes both of them miserable.
Found an interesting YouTube today on the book of Job (from the Bible) done by ProfMTH. The guy is an atheist and he gives a very nice summary of the problems found in the book of Job that so many christians completely overlook. It was kinda spooky looking at it in a way because about two years ago I really studied this in an attempt to figure out why I had so many "trials". I believed I just wasn't righteous enough.
I wish I had seen this video sooner.