Madeline L'Engle said, "You have to write everyday whether you feel like it or not!" She went on to explain that sometimes the inspiration doesn't come before the writing begins only during or once work has begun. Sometimes inspiration doesn't come at all. Sometimes it is just work. However, if you don't do the work, when the inspiration does come there won't be readiness, training or ability waiting to receive it.
So, although I don't feel like writing today...I believe that deep down I do desire to write I am just unsure of what or how to give voice to my feelings/thoughts/etc. and I don't want to "fail" or be "bad" at what I do.
Pondering change...what I wouldn't give for a magic wand. I know what I want to be and how I want to be...I just seem to trip and fall each time I start down the path. Oh, well. I really, really, really want to "walk".
Gentle with myself. I am working on that one. I am so impatient with myself. I want to be good enough. That is part of why I loved being in Eureka (actually Loleta) so much. I finally felt "enough". Even when I was not being all the things I thought I should be or all the things I thought others thought I should be. I began to get the inkling and stirrings that I am enough.
I am enough just because I am.
I am enough....I am enough....I am enough...