Thursday, April 17, 2008

Very late post...

The B.B. King concert was awesome!!!

My history with live performances is usually with symphonies, ballets, plays, etc. They have been few and far between though since I left college. It was also the first performance of any kind in about 18 years that didn't have a prayer at the beginning of it. Anyone who has lived in Utah or who went to BYU knows what I'm talking about!

I must confess I have never been to a "rock" concert before. I know, I know...B.B. King has a Blues Band. Still it was the first concert even remotely in that category that I had ever seen!

It was a wonderful night!

B.B. King was simply amazing. He is over 80 and still has his voice and can play wonderfully. He is funny too! The entire concert was a monologue interspersed with music.

For instance, he explained that everywhere he goes he sees signs that say "B.B. King's last concert". Then he went on to say that he hadn't heard anything about this before. He said it probably wouldn't be true because he has this condition called "Need More".

Bring it on B.B.!

"Mr. Deity and the Help Meet" - My Favorite

Roadents: Episode 3 - "The Beef Barn"