Friday, May 16, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

I have found myself thinking a lot this morning about medicine. Specifically pharmaceuticals.

Throughout my life I have had varying relationships to them. For instance, there was a time when I didn’t (wouldn’t) even take over the counter pain killers when I had a migraine that was so bad I couldn’t function. I was very “granola” at the time and into “natural remedies”. So, I used those methods to address what was happening.

However, what I found incredible was that at the same time I was with my now “ex” and he (as a pediatric osteopath) would spend his days and nights telling other people to solve their medical problems with herbs and essential oils. He even “prescribed” the oils and nutritional products and had his patients “sign up” to buy them “under him”. (For all I know he still does that.)

Anyway, what would really get me was that if HE ever had any pain or whatever he would have me get him OTC pain meds. He even wrote a prescription for me and had me fill it when it was really for himself. Incredible!

It really stuck in my craw though was when his patients would come up to me and ask me how we lived on this really weird diet that he recommends to almost all of them. (Mucusless Diet) It is vegetarian and on this diet you can have no milk products at all. My ex would tell them that he ate this way and it really was good.

After lots of attempts to dodge the question because we absolutely didn’t live the “mucusless diet life” (my ex lived on cheese and milk products) I couldn’t take the hypocrisy of the situation and would laugh when the patients would ask me about it. I would then go on to tell them about the half-gallon of Bryers ice cream that was in the freezer, the cheese in the fridge and the other “violations” that were in the house. I would concede that I tried to cook healthy but that it was really hard and they needed to give themselves a break.

I am so glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore!

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